Моделирование и расчет прогрессирующего обрушения здания (сооружения или конструкции) в Fidesys 4.0
create surface rectangle width 15 height 2.5 zplane
move Surface 1 x 7.5 y 1.25 include_merged
webcut body 1 with plane xplane offset 5 merge
webcut body 1 with plane xplane offset 10 merge
create vertex 15 2.5 -3
create vertex 10 2.5 -3
create vertex 5 2.5 -3
create vertex 0 2.5 -3
create curve vertex 13 1
create curve vertex 14 9
create curve vertex 15 5
create curve vertex 16 2
Surface 3 5 4 copy reflect x
Surface 3 5 4 6 7 8 copy reflect y
Curve 17 18 19 20 copy reflect x
Curve 17 18 19 20 53 52 51 copy reflect y
Curve 17 18 19 20 53 52 51 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 copy move z 3
Surface all copy move z 3
Surface 11 4 10 5 9 3 12 6 13 7 14 8 copy move z 6
Curve 17 18 19 54 53 52 51 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 copy move z 6
merge curve all
merge vertex all
undo group begin
surface all size auto factor 7
mesh surface all
undo group end
curve 55 17 56 18 57 19 58 20 59 53 60 52 61 51 75 62 74 63 73 64 72 65 71 66 70 67 69 68 169 156 168 157 167 158 166 159 165 160 164 161 163 162 interval 9 preview
curve 55 17 56 18 57 19 58 20 59 53 60 52 61 51 75 62 74 63 73 64 72 65 71 66 70 67 69 68 169 156 168 157 167 158 166 159 165 160 164 161 163 162 scheme bias
mesh curve 55 17 56 18 57 19 58 20 59 53 60 52 61 51 75 62 74 63 73 64 72 65 71 66 70 67 69 68 169 156 168 157 167 158 166 159 165 160 164 161 163 162
create material 1 from 'Steel'
set duplicate block elements off
block 1 add surface all
set duplicate block elements off
block 2 add curve 169 156 168 157 167 158 166 159 165 160 164 161 163 162 75 62 74 63 73 64 72 65 71 66 70 67 69 68 55 17 61 51
set duplicate block elements off
block 3 add curve 56 18 60 52
set duplicate block elements off
block 4 add curve 57 19 59 53
set duplicate block elements off
block 5 add curve 58
set duplicate block elements off
block 6 add curve 20
create shell properties 1
modify shell properties 1 layer count 1
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 thickness 0.3
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 material 1
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 angle 0
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 cs 1
modify shell properties 1 eccentricity 0.5
modify shell properties 1 layer direction normal
modify shell properties 1 thickness_change on
block 'Block 1' element shell order 1
block 'Block 1' shell properties 1
create beam properties 1
modify beam properties 1 type 'Hollow Rectangle'
modify beam properties 1 angle 0.0
modify beam properties 1 ey 0.0
modify beam properties 1 ez 0.0
modify beam properties 1 geom_B 0.2
modify beam properties 1 geom_H 0.15
modify beam properties 1 geom_c1 0.017
modify beam properties 1 geom_c2 0.018
modify beam properties 1 geom_d1 0.015
modify beam properties 1 geom_d2 0.016
modify beam properties 1 mesh_quality 6
modify beam properties 1 warping_dof on
block 2 to 6 material 1 cs 1 element beam order 1
block 2 to 6 beam properties 1
create displacement on vertex 53 13 55 14 57 15 59 16 61 49 63 47 65 45 dof all fix
create gravity global
modify gravity 1 dof 3 value -9.81
output nodalforce off energy off midresults on record3d on material off fullperiodic off
analysis type static elasticity dim3
static steps 5
block 6 step 1
block 5 step 1 2
block 4 step 1 2 3
block 3 step 1 2 3 4
block 3 step 1 2 3 4
calculation start path 'C:/Users/User/Documents/CAE-Fidesys-4.0/building.pvd'