Скрипт для Fidesys 4.1
reset set node constraint on #Подтягивание промежуточных узлов КЭ к криволин.геометрии create sphere radius 50 move Volume 1 y 50 include_merged create sphere radius 50 move Volume 2 y -50 include_merged webcut volume 1 with plane yplane offset 50 webcut volume 2 with plane yplane offset -50 delete volume 3 2 webcut volume all with plane xplane offset 0 webcut volume all with plane zplane offset 0 delete volume 5 6 7 8 9 10 volume all scheme polyhedron volume all size auto factor 5 mesh volume all create material 1 modify material 1 name 'Material 1' modify material 1 set property 'MODULUS' value 2e4 modify material 1 set property 'POISSON' value 0.3 set duplicate block elements off block 1 add volume all block 1 material 1 block 1 element solid order 2 #20-узловые КЭ create displacement on surface 25 33 dof 1 fix 0 create displacement on surface 23 31 dof 3 fix 0 create displacement on surface 24 dof 2 fix -2 create displacement on surface 34 dof 2 fix 2 create contact master surface 32 slave surface 26 tolerance 0.0005 type general friction 0.0 offset 0.0 ignore_overlap off method auto analysis type static elasticity dim3 nonlinearopts maxiters 100 minloadsteps 10 maxloadsteps 1000 tolerance 0.001 targetiter 5 calculation start path 'C:/Users/User/Documents/CAE-Fidesys-4.1/fidesys01.pvd'